Bigjigs Rail - Car Loader New Barcode BJT199


Bigjigs Rail - Car Loader New Barcode BJT199

Bigjigs Rail - Car Loader New Barcode BJT199

Whether they're being delivered to the showroom or just letting the train do the hard work for them, the two wooden cars enjoy their own dedicated ramp and are always delivered on time! Includes a wooden engine, two wagons and a car ramp. Supplied complete with two pieces of wooden Bigjigs Rail track. Magnetic couplings ensure compatibility with all other engines and carriages in the Bigjigs Rail range.

Consists of 8 play pieces.

Most other major wooden railway brands are compatible with Bigjigs Rail.

Made from high quality, responsibly sourced materials. Conforms to current European safety standards.

EAN: 691621541999

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